
Get to Know Your Potential Attorney Before We Meet

Retain a compassionate divorce attorney in Media, PA

Part of the magic of the internet, as we all know, is the ability to connect through video and audio recordings that are instantly available to a viewer or listener. I am attorney Jacquie L. Jones, and I truly appreciate your willingness to get acquainted with me and my law practice as you consider sources for solutions to your legal challenges. Although I don’t know you yet, that can change when you contact my law offices to request an initial consultation.

You can get a head start on the dialogue we may have by hearing what I have to say about some legal issues of interest.

My podcast, Jonesing 4 Justice, contains discussions on current legal news and more. It presents information that many listeners find enlightening and engaging. Each podcast is preceded by a brief introduction to the podcast’s hosting format, Anchor by Spotify.

I also invite you to see my brief but interesting videos about various family law topics:

Let Me Know About Your Legal Concerns

I hope you have enjoyed this one-way “get to know you” exercise. I also sincerely hope for the chance to hear about your pressing legal issues that brought you to this website. My clients typically come from all walks of life and live or work in Delaware County.

To schedule a consultation regarding your criminal defense, family law or estate law issue, call or send an email inquiry.

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