The Legal Lounge

Do I Have the Right to Seek Custody of My Grandchild?

Do I Have the Right to Seek Custody of My Grandchild?

Grandparents and grandchildren share a special bond. Grandparents impart their wisdom, love and attention to their grandchild and their grandchild responds with love.

What Are the Differences Between Prenups and Postnups?

What Are the Differences Between Prenups and Postnups?

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are like insurance because these documents address events that no one wants to occur.

What Are My Options in A High Conflict Custody Case?

What Are My Options in A High Conflict Custody Case?

The common wisdom in many Pennsylvania courts these days is that parents who are no longer living together should still try to cooperate with each other.

What Is an Unfit Parent?

What Is an Unfit Parent?

While the property division phase of a divorce can be messy, some things hold more value than property and assets. A parent-child relationship is meaningful and important, making child custody an especially difficult family law issue during a marriage dissolution. These disputes can turn nasty quickly. This is especially certain in matters where one parent asserts that the other parent is unfit.

Understanding the Challenges of Family Law Cases

Understanding the Challenges of Family Law Cases

Anyone in Pennsylvania who faces any type of court case is likely going through a stressful time. However, when the court case is about a family law issue, stress combines with emotions to, oftentimes, make a person feel overwhelmed.

When Can Parents Relocate with Children After a Divorce?

When Can Parents Relocate with Children After a Divorce?

Parents may spend significant amounts of time during a divorce or custody proceeding in Pennsylvania establishing custody and parenting time.

Ways to Address Holiday Parenting Time

Ways to Address Holiday Parenting Time

With the holidays on the horizon you might find yourself stressed about how to deal with various child custody and visitation issues.

How Do Courts Make Child Custody Determinations?

How Do Courts Make Child Custody Determinations?

Parents in Pennsylvania need to make many different decisions for their children as they raise them.

Physical Custody Options in Pennsylvania

Physical Custody Options in Pennsylvania

Under Pennsylvania law, physical custody refers to the right of a parent to have physical possession and control of their child.

Why Millennials Are Embracing the Prenup

Why Millennials Are Embracing the Prenup

Each generation has its own take on the ritual of marriage. Recently, the millennial generation has been making waves with its embrace of a once-taboo marital practice – the prenuptial agreement.