What Are You Raising?

By Jones & Associates Law P.C.

As an attorney, I have the opportunity to meet many fine people.  In fact, I often get to see people in the worst situations step up and prove what they are made of.  Unfortunately I get to also see a lot of people at their worst.  As a parent, I often question who I  am raising, after seeing some of the juvenile offenders come through I system, I am starting to wonder “what” we are raising.  As in, Are we raising friends instead of children?  Are we raising followers instead of leaders?  Worse yet, Are we raising monsters? I try not to believe that children can’t be saved.  However, some of them have a more difficult time than others.  Often, I can see the ones who won’t succeed just by looking at the parenting skills, or lack their of, that the parents display.  When your 13 year old son is facing a juvenile detention facility for arson, your answer should not be, “He didn’t really burn that building, just the window.”  We need to do our best as parents to make sure that our children are not using our excuses for their behavior as permission to commit crimes. I don’t know that I have the formula right for my girls, but I try.  I am seeking to make them world citizens and I am proud that at 6 and 7 years old they have passports.  I also want them to understand the incredible privilege that they have.  That’s why I am so excited that this year we made a donation to Heifer International to purchase a flock of chicks .(http://www.heifer.org/site/c.edJRKQNiFiG/b.2667525/?msource=TH1J100004).  I wanted the girls to understand that even though we made a small gift, it would make a huge difference in someone else’s life.  So I ask you, What are you raising?  I’m trying to raise thoughtful, loving, world citizens